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Victim Support NZ

Victim Support New Zealand connects volunteers and data in Salesforce Service Cloud and Chatter keeps the conversation flowing around cases, and provides a fast and convenient means for file sharing.
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Victim Support NZ connects volunteers and data in Service Cloud

Collaborating closely with the police, Victim Support delivers round the clock support services to those affected by serious crime or trauma via a 140 strong workforce and 1,000 volunteers. With Salesforce Service Cloud as a central conduit for cases and volunteers across 65 offices cases travel seamlessly in workflow through the end-to-end support cycle from the moment a crisis call comes in. Nothing is forgotten, no question unasked. Under the new system, volunteers have mobile access to their assigned cases in the field and can upload case notes on the spot with far greater accuracy than relying on recall. Equally, expenses incurred are logged in situ, saving hours of admin time per week. And, Chatter is also revolutionizing the way critical police reports are shared throughout the organization, minimizing risk.

Efficient case management in Service Cloud

The system Savell is putting in place is known internally as VIVA, based on the Salesforce Service Cloud. Savell has established VIVA as a central conduit for cases and volunteers across 65 offices. Now, from the moment a crisis call comes in, a Salesforce-generated case travels seamlessly in workflow through the end-to-end support cycle. Nothing is forgotten, no question unasked.


Under the new system, volunteers have mobile access to their assigned cases in the field and can upload case notes on the spot with far greater accuracy than relying on recall. Equally, expenses incurred are logged in situ, saving hours of admin time per week. “This means we can repurpose human resource hours to more meaningful tasks,” says Savell.

Keeping the conversation going

Salesforce’s enterprise social network Chatter keeps the conversation flowing around cases, and provides a fast and convenient means for file sharing. Relevant documents and policies are right there in a group, rather than hidden somewhere on a company server.

Social file sharing is not restricted to case notes. Victim Support holds the vital role of money manager on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, issuing grants to victims of crisis. Chatter is its chosen forum for publishing regular changes to entitlements and processes, keeping the function accurate and on track.

And, Chatter is also revolutionizing the way critical police reports are shared throughout the organization, minimizing risk. “We used to distribute daily police reports by email to hundreds of different email addresses, which were constantly in need of updating,” says Savell. “Now we upload them to Chatter – the feedback from staff has been fantastic!”

Going back to pre-VIVA, Savell is satisfied with her choices. “Our former purpose-built volunteer management system was hard to extract information from, offering no means to monitor the safety of support worker,” she says. “Now we know where our volunteers are. We also know whether they’re keeping their commitments to victims – before there was no way to tell how many cases were falling through the gaps.”

Task automation guarantees fast response

This new line of sight is opening up opportunities to drive efficiency through metrics. Victim Support is obligated to respond to police requests within 45 minutes – a victim must receive support within 24 hours of a crisis. Today, automated prompts warn managers of impending deadlines to keep things on track. Staff are alerted by the system if they fail to attend a crisis within their allocated time slot.

Reporting is timely – no longer stockpiling for batch processing but occurring within 48 hours of attendance. “In the past we’ve had to satisfy ourselves with the knowledge that we had done our best to be where we were needed.

These days we are pulling all sorts of metrics from Salesforce to help us drive efficiency up even further.”